Annex I. Participation in fairs, conferences and events

Inauguration of NASA’s New Deep Space MDSCC Antenna by H.M. King Felipe VI

As a result of the 1964 agreement between Spain and the United States, the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) is responsible for the MDSCC facilities, and Isdefe on behalf of the latter, manages the operation, maintenance and technical support of the Centre. Isdefe provides daily support on more than 30 missions, 365 days a year.

C1b3rwall Congress on Digital Security and Cyberintelligence

The congress was held at the National Police School in Ávila and Isdefe participated with lectures by engineers from the Information Security Department of the Technological Modernisation and Digital Transformation Division: Hugo Fuentes and Alejandro Granja.

XIV Seminar on “satellites as a key element for security and defence and government applications”

Isdefe was represented by Jesús Alonso, Isdefe’s Director of Business Development, who spoke at the panel “The national space industry. R&D&I aspects of Defence space programmes”. Rosa Pulido, Isdefe’s space manager, took part in the panel on “GNSS-PRS programmes, SST and the participation of the national space industry”.

Information Day: NCIA Industry Day

Isdefe participated in the Information Day organised by the Ministry of Defence through the Centre for Information Systems and Technologies (CESTIC), with the support of various NATO agencies. The event was aimed at Spanish companies that supply ICT products and services.


Organised by the SDG for Technology Planning and Innovation of the Directorate General of Armaments and Material (DGAM), the Directorate General of Recruitment and Military Education (DIGEREM), the Defence University Centres and Isdefe, at the Army’s “General Morillo” base in Pontevedra, Spain, the conference brought together the agents involved in the field of defence and security R&D&I in our country, creating a space for the exchange of knowledge and experience.


As a result of the work carried out in Isdefe’s Horizontes Network, Isdefe presented five papers produced by the Defence and Security Observatory.

Presentation of the Project “Women, Engineering and Defence”

The project, led by the Ministry of Defence through the Secretary of State for Defence in collaboration with Isdefe and the Royal Academy of Engineering, was held at the Centre for Higher National Defence Studies (CE-SEDEN).


The goal is to raise the profile of women who work in the defence sector and in the field of engineering, contributing to their social projection and providing female role models in order to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) vocations at an early age among young students in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). 

Dissemination Day: European Defence Fund Programme EDF2022

Jesús Alonso Martín, Director of Business Development, represented Isdefe at this event, the purpose of which was to inform national industry and other entities such as universities and research centres of the Ministry of Defence’s interests in the field of Research and Development, the themes and the key dates set by the European Commission for the 2022 period. 

4th Space Congress and 1st Interdisciplinary Space Week

Organised by the Spanish Institute of Engineering (IIE), with the participation of several engineers from Isdefe’s Space Department and members of the UC3M-Isdefe Space Chair:


David Modrego collaborated with INTA on the paper “Improvements in the automation of the Cheops mission”. José Luis Ruiz Mendoza moderated the round table: “Spectrum orbit resource: the basis of telecommunications in the space field”. Moisés Fernández Álvaro moderated the round table “Space and National and European Strategic Security, Dual Use”.

Meeting with the Emirati Military Airworthiness Authority

The meeting took place at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defence, where two agreements signed by the United Arab Emirates with the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) and with the Spanish Defence Systems Engineering (Isdefe) were signed, with the aim of reinforcing collaboration in the field of military airworthiness.

Honorary Award to the Managing Director of Isdefe for the Ingeniero General Zarco del Valle Chair

The “Honorary Award of the Ingeniero General D. Antonio Remón Zarco del Valle Chair” was granted for his brilliant professional career in the defence and security sector, and his strong support for the promotion and development of activities in this field in the academic world, particularly at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

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International Air Traffic Management Exhibition, World ATM Congress 2022

Isdefe will have a stand at this air traffic management trade fair, organised by the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) in collaboration with the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA).