Space Stations and Infrastructures

For the space infrastructures of the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA) Torrejón, we provide integral support to all the activity of the CEIT (INTA Space Centre) giving multidisciplinary technical support in the Ground Segment, Mission Control and Analysis Centre.

We also provide support to the CHEOPS Mission (CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite) of the European Space Agency (ESA), with whom we maintain an intense collaboration with the Swedish and Norwegian national agencies for the exploitation of the INTA Station Network.

From these space infrastructures we operate to support the high demand for PAZ products. In the Maspalomas space infrastructures, also belonging to INTA, we carry out the operation and maintenance of the CEC (Canary Islands Space Centre), which is the 24×7 operation centre for all INTA stations. Our collaboration with the CEIT provides full support to the INTA Ground Station Network.

From our collaboration with ESA, we highlight the technical support to the Agency’s deep space network reference station in Cebreros (DSA2), and the support in the implementation of multiple improvements to the station. In addition, we provide specialised technical support to the SMOS Space Programme in the mission and successful completion of large data reprocessing campaigns. We also provide quality control and safety support for space launches at the French Guiana Space Base in KOUROU.

Isdefe participates in ESA’s scientific mission operations by providing support to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), leading a Spanish consortium in which DEIMOS and GMV also participate. This consortium provides services to both ESTEC and the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villa-nueva de la Cañada (Madrid).

In support of the INTA-NASA agreement, we operate the monitoring and control of deep space communications for NASA missions and maintain all the systems, equipment, antennas and infrastructures of the Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (MDSCC) in Robledo de Chavela, on behalf of INTA.

During this period, we have supported the Centre in the construction of the new 34 m diameter antenna, making it the centre with the largest number of operational antennas in the Deep Space Network of the American space agency.

In the field of Astrophysics and Space Sciences, Isdefe has provided support to the Torrejón campus of INTA’s Astrobiology Centre (CAB), as well as technical support to the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC).

Isdefe also participates in the consortium that provides services to ESA in the various work packages of the Science Framework Contract at ESAC. Also noteworthy is our collaboration in ESA’s XMM-Newton mission.