Message from the President
Mrs. María Amparo Valcarce García
The development and well-being of society depend on an adequate guarantee of the level of security, which is why Defence policies, in the current scenario, have focused on the objective of modernising and improving the military capabilities of our armed forces, supported by the strengthening of the Defence Technological and Industrial Base.
As a support tool for the Ministry of Defence, Is-defe has once again proven its worth, highlighting its exceptional ability to offer innovative solutions.
The Annual Report that I have the honour of presenting shows the various activities undertaken by Isdefe throughout the year 2022. Isdefe has been a key player in the design, development and implementation of cutting-edge technological solutions, collaborating with the Ministry of Defence and other government institutions to ensure a comprehensive approach to protecting our sovereignty and security, contributing to one of the great State policies: Security and Defence.
In addition, in support of the external action of the Ministry of Defence and the General State Administration, the Report shows the company’s contribution in its activities with international actors, promoting cooperation in security and defence matters, and thus consolidating Spain’s position in the global arena.
The company operates under the principles of integrity and good corporate governance, and is a responsible organisation committed to economic, social and environmental sustainability.
The commitment of the Isdefe team has been essential to achieving the accomplishments presented in this Annual Report, so on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, I would like to express my gratitude to all Isdefe personnel for their invaluable contribution and for maintaining a standard of excellence in all their actions.